The Families Forest: An Innovation Proposal for Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Education, Family-School Relationship, Cultural Diversity, Family Diversity, Educational InnovationAbstract
the El Bosque de las Familias project transforms early childhood education classrooms into inclusive and participatory spaces where cultural and family diversity is valued as an essential resource for learning. It promotes active collaboration between families and schools, reinforcing values such as respect, empathy, and coexistence. Through activities that celebrate cultural traditions and diverse family structures, children develop socio-emotional skills and a sense of belonging by seeing their realities reflected in the classroom. These dynamics include traditional games, cultural workshops, and celebrations that strengthen the connection between home and school. Additionally, it fosters spaces for dialogue between teachers and families, building an inclusive and collaborative school community. This model demonstrates that family involvement and the recognition of their contributions enrich the educational environment, preparing students to thrive in a global and diverse society while promoting meaningful learning that respects and celebrates diversity.
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